Just to confirm, you can actually jack the car up using the Sub frame bolts?
My car is parallel parked on side of pavement so can only get the jack one side.
I was hoping to stick the trolley jack on the Sub frame bolt so i can get axle stands either side?
Are you able to upload a pic of exactly where the trolley jack needs to sit on the subframe bolts?
Gonna hopefully do an oil change tomorrow but as mentioned, i cant park it anywhere where i can get the trolley jack both sides of the car
I would move the car to an open space so you don't have to deal with the kerb.
Yes you can lift both wheels at the same time off the subframe, but personally I would lift each side separately by place trolley jack on the control arm rear console housing and then put axle stand under subframe aiming for the anti-roll bar bolts:

Be very cautious removing the smaller bolts in the console housing.
The bolts are zinc coated, this coating reacts with the aluminum in the upper side section of subframe.
The threads likes to bind with the corrosion and bolts are easy to snap.
Lots of penetrating fluid and leave to soak in - any sign of the bolt tightening up stop.