General > Photography Section
Symmetry shoot
S2 Ant:
Out of interest, could you post 1 or 2 of the originals? Just interested in how they looked before the effects were added.
BTW Fantastic pictures, what camera did you use?
Only just seen these pics, they are awesome :drool: The car looks amazing :notworthy:
They are amazing. Great pics.
--- Quote from: S2 Ant on April 05, 2010, 01:20:23 pm ---Out of interest, could you post 1 or 2 of the originals? Just interested in how they looked before the effects were added.
BTW Fantastic pictures, what camera did you use?
--- End quote ---
Hey S2 Ant. I would, but that would kill the whole effect. It's a bit like asking a magician to show you how he did a trick. Makes the trick seem pretty lame. Not that I'm a magician. I couldn't think of another parallel.
I shot them with a Nikon D90, and unfortunately, at a very his ISO. I won't make that mistake again.
S2 Ant:
Worth an ask :)
I noticed on the higher res pictures they were a little grainy so assumed a higher ISO setting was used.
Was only curious to see how the original looked to get an idea of what to aim for with my camera and how much of it was Photoshop :) I've had a Canon EOS 350D for a while but not used it that often and as a result never really got to grips with some of these really vivid night pictures in car parks and without seeing originals its hard to know where to aim for if that makes sense. Although its fun learning :) and will carry on experimenting :)
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