General > Detailing

White MK5 detailed

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 :signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL:


--- Quote from: JPC on January 07, 2009, 01:30:07 pm ---haha, i commented on that thread, like 2-3 years ago, i thought it looked familiar! i much prefered DW back then. its gone down now! :(

small world! :)

--- End quote ---

LOL - You should have seen it when I picked it up in July, I kid you not when I say it was better than a new car - completely unmarked... *hanging my head in shame* it's as black as coal at the minute  :ashamed:

I dropped very lucky!

glad you snapped it up then mate, if you want it looking better than new again, give me a shout! ;)

Yeah, and the fact I got it for a fricking steal helped too!

It's actually really easy to clean, helped by the fact I lace it in Zaino sealant. It just needs a good deep clean under the arches and the other usual post-winter muck shifting that'll come once the weather perks up.

I didn't know you were hard-core detailing now? Tabs usually sorts me out with his PC and deft hands whilst I float around making brews and getting in the way, but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.

ah ye, tabs has been pretty handy with a PC so i see. yes mate, ive been into detailing for nearly 5 years now. ive got a unit etc, with a million and one lights in! having a container delivered on friday for it and then need to paint the floor and im nearly done! oh need a sink too! lol


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