General > Detailing

White MK5 detailed

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Oh, so very serious then!

Are you going to be doing any repairs like stonechips, as I have a couple that will need removing before Ultimate Dubs?


--- Quote from: tony_danza on January 07, 2009, 12:44:36 pm ---Ahh, you've gotta love those crazy detailing guys.

Here's mine from when it belonged to the previous owner, I actually bought it on the strength of this thread without ever seeing it.

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that guy baught my old springs. are they still on the car now?

i can do stone chip repairs no problem, but probably dont want to advertise the fact.

I do repairs on my own cars and family, but i like to used 4-5 coats and flat back each coat.

it gives an almost seemless finish, but you have to wait a day between coats.

im a bit of a perfectionist, and from a commercial point of view, that doesnt help me out at all


--- Quote from: JPC on January 07, 2009, 03:46:17 pm ---ah ye, tabs has been pretty handy with a PC so i see. yes mate, ive been into detailing for nearly 5 years now. ive got a unit etc, with a million and one lights in! having a container delivered on friday for it and then need to paint the floor and im nearly done! oh need a sink too! lol

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well then jay, how much to do mine? cant be arsed and could do with a detail,


--- Quote from: joesgti on January 07, 2009, 04:26:17 pm ---
--- Quote from: tony_danza on January 07, 2009, 12:44:36 pm ---Ahh, you've gotta love those crazy detailing guys.

Here's mine from when it belonged to the previous owner, I actually bought it on the strength of this thread without ever seeing it.

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that guy baught my old springs. are they still on the car now?

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Nah, it's rolling on Eibach coilovers which are nice, but I want some adjustables.


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