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Author Topic: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?  (Read 11152 times)

Offline CalMac

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Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« on: January 04, 2021, 03:11:00 pm »
Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?

Seen this type of thing posted on here before however, I think it might be worth talking about. How do you think the price of MK5 GTIs will change as time goes on?

I remember a couple years back when £3-4k would get you a decent GTI example under 100k miles. Whereas now you’re looking for £4.5 and up generally for a sub 100k mileage one (I know mileage isn’t everything but makes a decent comparator).

Seeing this little price bump, do you think the price will continue to hold or even appreciate more?

I would like to think that the MK5 GTI would achieve a ‘classic’ status eventually because of the whole return to form thing of the GTI and it being a good ‘everything car’. The massive cult following for these cars does help too and makes it accessible yet desirable to get into one and keep it going.

But with the amount of them on the roads and having so many parts and engines used in less hot models like the Passat, I can only see the classic status being reserved for the R32/Pirelli/ed30.

It also dawned on me that the ever looming shadow of depreciating golf Rs are coming down all the time, £14k will get you a good one at the moment. I think with the current finance deals and disposable nature of modern car ownership, that the MK5 GTI may be worthless in a few years.

How soon is it before the MK5 is no longer a performance bargain because it’s simply outclassed? Or is the continuity of the GTI heritage enough to keep it a relevant option? Would love to know your thoughts!

Personally having a lot of fun with mine and am excited to own one. I am not minted though and do have thoughts about market value from time to time.

Offline brian_badonde

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2021, 08:29:49 am »
In answer to your question of sink or swim, I think they might float along with the jellyfish below the surface but I don't think they'll ever be worth serious money.

It's definitely true that prices are going up which I think is to do with a lot of automotive journalists getting misty-eyed and nostalgic about the MK5 because it was a return to form after the MK3 and 4. Because of the sheer number of them made though, I don't think we'll ever see them seriously appreciate in value. Potentially a different story for Edition 30's but probably not 10's of thousands of pounds. A quick google shows MK1/2 GTI's going for 10-15K which I think would be a realistic value for MK5's in years to come when there's fewer on the road.

Regarding Golf R's etc coming down in price, I think comparing Mk5's at a performance level kind of misses the point. They're not ultimate performance machines and were never intended to be - as you said, they're "everything" cars. You can drive them in a spirited way and have fun but still turn up to a wedding and make the Civic Type R owners parked next to you look a bit childish. To that end, their relative performance isn't something that will devalue them as far as future classic potential is concerned.

Personally I'd put your money in stock indices if you want to see long-term appreciation, but I'm keeping mine for now because it's a lot of fun and pretty cheap to run at the moment...

Offline Jons1001

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2021, 08:52:49 am »
Agree with the poster above. The vast majority of cars depreciate so if the mk5 more or less holds its value at around what they are selling for at the moment then I'd be happy with that.

Offline colesey

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2021, 11:03:19 am »
I sense that values are firming up, though I doubt they will achieve their original list prices in the next decade.  The ever increasing list prices of new cars will create a vacuum for mk5 values to strengthen, especially for better / rarer examples.

Offline EnglandUK

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2021, 01:49:27 pm »
Just look at recent articles on Pistonheads, Topgear and Car wow to see that affection for the Mk5 GTI is strong and probably building. Personally I think the MK7 & 7.5 will go the same way eventually and been seen as a high point and the MK8 will be more in line with MK4 and MK6 views.

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2021, 03:20:15 pm »
Just look at the past.  Mk1s are very expensive, mk2s have gone through the roof.  I've seen mk3s in the 2k-4k bracket, along with mk4s.   

As long as it's in good condition, and not badly modified id say the Mk5 will hold pretty good value, as more and more get scrapped, crashed, rot away. 

Offline probedb

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2021, 04:32:55 pm »
It'll be about condition and originality, a lot of classic collectors want an original car, maybe the odd tweak but certainly not slammed on bags with an exhaust so loud it'd embarrass Concorde.

I love mine, it's a lovely drive and will be quick enough with a stage 1, at the same time it's a great every day car, fuel consumption is great if you don't floor it everywhere, the amount of room in the back with the seats down is ridiculous and it has just enough creature comforts to give you a bit of luxury without turning you into the sort of knob that thinks the car does everything for them so they don't need to check things like lights, indicate etc.

Offline colesey

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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2021, 08:08:42 am »
I posted this in another thread but was surprised at some of the prices being asked. Big premium on low mileage ones.  Maybe there’s some revenge spending / bitcoin gains sloshing around?!?


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Re: Future value of the MK5 GTI, sink or swim?
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2021, 12:38:59 pm »
There's two cars in the link above that are asking about the same money I paid for my Edition 30 on 47k from VW back in 2012. I know its just an asking price though. I do feel that the mk5 is a slow depreciator though, particularly if you take care of it.

Edition 30 - no. 1387