General > Old Event Details

Lakes & Dales Drive... Details on first page along with possible attendees.

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--- Quote from: JPC on January 07, 2009, 03:44:31 pm ---ye, i sat out and had a pint in the garden of that pub at the end of the run

i feel a joesgti list spectacular on the brink btw! ;)

--- End quote ---
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

1.joesgti  :laugh:

matt a:
Oh cool some interest.

Heres a map of the route from last time:

The route includes the Kirkstone pass, and the Buttertubs (Mr Clarkson's favourite)

We usually get around 10 cars.

Could maybe link up with my friend jon's forum (I'm just the co-creator) so there would be a good few of us!  :happy2:

Also this to look at too:

sounds great! ;)

is some of that vid filmed behind lancaster, as all the roads are like that in the pennines.

im defo up for this so you can put me down.  :smiley:

matt a:
Cool I'll make a banner, and get a list of names!


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