So car feels a little sluggish in 3rd and up at about 3.5k onwards. Its currently got about 80/100kg of tools/equipment in boot and back seat so maybe that's a contributor but I swear I can hear boost escaping at about 3500 rpm occasionally.
Checked the DV which has covered under 1000 miles and had this small crease which looked bad at first. But took it apart and the crease had sorted itself, just refitted and made sure it was tight enough with some loctite this time, no change.

Ordered some new seals for the boost pipes and clamps and will change the throttle body hose for forge one I have laid about. Did some logs and looked OK to me, could just be me tbh but just double checking it's all good and R Tech don't send me home empty handed in Jan.
Feels like I'm charging this thing all the time.... the few times I actually want to test drive it its always dead

the beast that is the fiat 500 in the back ground, she's trading it in for a audi a1 next year I think, getting into the golf after driving that little thing makes it feel like a bus in comparison.

I came across this book recently, Great Xmas read for any setup geeks. Most interesting part I found was how it debunks a lot of poly bushes as when the grease gets pushed out after said weeks or months they start to bind to the inner steel tube and don't offer proper rotation anymore (squeaking noises are evidence of this apparantally). I notice super pro seem to have a couple of differences to most other manufacturers to keep hold of grease for longer periods and stop it being pushed out, in my mind anyway they sound far superior after reading this.
Chassis Engineering HP1055! After mentioning God knows how many times this year, finally settled on coilovers. I was settled on the idea of replacing all bushes with super pro and gaz golds but costs were growing, life is getting seriously expensive with a wedding being planned additionally and this is a budget track build after all... so decided I need to get this to a good baseline that I can work to improve over time otherwise il get carried away and it will be 2023 before it turns a wheel, I'm aiming to have it on track by April I hope.
Picked up a set of B14's in the black Friday sale for 750. Great price and I know they will be durable and do the job for now and leaves me some budget to spend on other things. Plus should be easy enough to sell these on when it's time to upgrade.

Not sure when il fit these yet. R Tech specify to keep to stock ride height but I'm sure these at their highest setting would be fine on the rollers? Got enough jobs to be getting on with between now and Jan anyway and with Xmas coming up not sure il get time until after the session anyway! Just hope the clutch doesn't give in immediately

I think it's the original one with 104k on it.... if it lasts until the end of next year il count that as a win.