Well actually made it to R Tech, and like everyone else if you don't take a picture outside where you even there?
Their car park is for more interesting than a few car shows I've been to frankly as well.

It was a bit of a trek and had to wait around in coffee shops all day waiting for the work to be done but I have to say bravo to the guys there. Amazing work. They confirmed cylinder 1 injector was dead so a used off the shelf one put in after cleaning that seemed good, it was free so can't complain if it doesn't last forever!
Interestingly they recommended changing my ecs tuning pcv pipes to oem ones as they know they work and they've seen some manufacturers pcv silicone hoses start to fold after a while under high pressure, decided to change just the bottom one for now as its fiddly and annoying to do the clamp!
The issue I've noticed with randomly seeping bost sometimes was never fixed it seemed, r tech said it was actually the rocker cover holding about 20 psi and then eventually letting go. After the map it's quite noticeable when on full beans in a high gear at about 3k. So that's on the list of things to do along with cleaning the broken oil dipstick bits out of the sump.
I was hoping for 260 but expecting about 250-255, I'm pretty sure the production gti championship is 260bhp maximum in the regs and fairplay at 259.7 you can't get much bloody closer than that!

After the inlet and injector clean 220-ish standard is pretty good as well tbh! I told them the purpose of the car, more of a occasionally driven on the road track car and am thinking about doing sprints/hillclimbs with it (probably road going car class) so for map 5 they added a "sprint map" to use for any timed events, just need to install the VIS internals and I can make use of it.
Can really tell that the TC is also much much more sophisticated, much less intrusive and could see it being a valuable aid in certain conditions considering its still an open diff.
But yeah feels far quicker, and the power band feels so more much linear not just off and on and sometimes a little flat like I've always known it to be.
I thought they would do a great job but tbh they did a brilliant job, this is nothing new to read though unfortunately as I know most people end up saying the same thing

Coilovers fitting next!