Just got the car back from Retro Resus. Awesome service from them and frankly the end bill was not little but quite a bit cheaper than I thought surprisingly. It was cool to see a ton of the mk5 race and track cars they have on site as well as a few bonkers looking mk2's.

Engine wise they did...
- Rocker cover gasket change
- cambelt and waterpump
- oil sump dropped and cleaned as well as pick up pipe
- injector 2 replaced
Then a few little suspension and brakes bits as well as corner weighting with geo setup.
I could have done a little bit more myself but I've been fed up lately and wanted it just done

Forgot to get the alignment printout from them but what they told me over the phone was:
-2.2/-2.3 Degrees neg camber
1mins toe out
-1.6/-1.7 degrees neg camber
Zero toe
They did this based on a hot pressure of 30 psi, seems a little low to me, put It to 34 psi now. Will just have to experiment, let me know what you guys run?

They said it weighed in at a touch over 1400kg, not sure if that was with my 70kg weight added in as well though. May get it on a weigh bridge at some point out of curiosity, I've taken roughly 35kg of the oem weight from various upgrades and removal of little things here or there.
Weirdly they said it was almost perfectly corner weighted as it was... I had not even measured it I couldnt be arsed I just stuck it on at a random height and left it

Had a bit of tyre rub over big bumps when I got back to cardiff. Taking the torx screw from the arch liner out and slightly bending/filing the edge of the arch solved that nice and easily.
Now all ready for Llandow in June and the charity track day at Combe in July

will probably make it to Thruxton soon as well, one of the most under rated circuits in my opinion, but as its a tyre killer maybe later in the year!

Hopefully it's just a case of maintenance and enjoy for a while now, I'm thinking if everything is reliable and oem clutch still has life in it then winter will be Strip it and put a cage in!