This is something becoming more common. People seeing; fuel cuts, car is cutting out on idle, low on power, won't restart for a while, low fuel pressure codes, LPFP fuel pressure is found low in the data with high duty cycles.
Many times this gets misdiagnosed and many parts are being replaced while no remedy is to be found. Parts like; LPFP_LPFP control module_fuel filter_low pressure sensor-G410_etc..
What is being discovered is the inner liner in the low pressure hose (pn:06F 127 511 B) to the hpfp is becoming separated and gets peeled back when one does an hpfp upgrade or a cam follower swap is done. Small bits of the hose are breaking off and blocking the 1.5mm restrictor/opening in the brass fitting. Or, if one has drilled out the restrictor to 5mm...the broken bits of hose enter the hpfp and still cause issues.
If you have any low fuel pressure issues; I recommend beginning by removing and inspecting the openings of the hose and saving yourself some money.
*Credit for this discovery goes to the folks at R-Tech.