Hello fellow GTI friends I'm new here as I have been searching far and wide for an answer and hoping this community can help. I recently fitted an RCD330 stereo to my 2006 model Mk5 GTI. Upgraded the Canbus to the right version to prevent battery drain and coded the VCDS without issue. All good except that the steering wheel buttons do not work. I bought a steering wheel adapter off Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32888260904.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.64df4c4dwFdTej but it doesn't work. The seller says works with some Golf 5 and not others . I have an 8 button MFSW and the steering wheel adapter is 1K0-953-549-AG. I am mainly trying to work out if he sent me a dodgy adapter or the buttons will not work no matter what adapter I buy because I need a steering wheel module upgrade or something.