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HELP! - Remote Central Locking Not Working
Where to start..
So to start at the beginning my remote central locking would be intermittent. Some days it would work fine, other days I would have to be very close to the car or have to press the fob buttons a good 20-30 times before it would lock/unlock the car. This was happening for about 6 months, on and off.
Now for the past 3 weeks or so, I get nothing at all. Here are some key points;
- The key itself will manually unlock/lock the car and start it
- The drivers door unlock/lock buttons work fine
- The battery isn't dead in the key fob
- I have taken out the CCM and it looks fine, I heard these can suffer corrosion but it still looks brand new
- CCM does however make a 'click' noise when remote fob buttons are pressed but nothing else happens
- Indicators do not flash to show the key fob has been pressed
- Automatic windows up and down by holding key fob lock/unlock doesn't work
- Central locking fuse is not blown
It may also be worth mentioning the wheel arch hole for draining rain water on the passenger side was blocked with crap and I had a leak in the cabin, the passenger side floor and rear passenger side floor was heavily saturated, I mean heavily! It's mostly dry now but thought it would be worth mentioning.
I do not have a spare key either to test unfortunately!
Look forward to hearing suggestions.
Check the wiring going from the a post to the drivers door, not uncommon for it to break and cause problems.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look.
Would this stop the indicators flashing etc as well? I would assume the indicators would still flash to say that it has received a signal from the key fob, even if it doesn't unlock the doors?
My passenger door doesn't lock at all at the moment. When I press the unlock button, the hazards flash, but when I press the lock button, they don't.
Nit quite sure where I'm going with this, but just thought I'd mention my hazards flash on unlock and not on lock and the passenger door doesn't lock. 😁
I hooked up VCDS and the CCM reads fine, no errors. The only error that I have that seems like it could be related is "rear left door control module incorrectly coded. No or incorrect basic setting/adaptation 01044"
I've reset all adaptations and re paired my key fob, when I do so the hazards flash to say it's paired and then pressing again after this nothing happens again completely dead like it isn't receiving a signal..
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