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Author Topic: Strange fluctuating Boosting issue  (Read 7720 times)

Offline masaichris

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Re: Strange fluctuating Boosting issue
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2021, 08:52:05 am »
Well, just to drag this one up, i finally took the time to investigate this myself today (The car is never used so its been kinda put off until now)
And a quick look turns up this..... So, for the moment the intake kit is off and stock intake and engine cover refitted until i get a replacement for the bung.

The problem came about by the edge thats been pierced rubbing on the sharp edge of the brake fluid resevoir.

The intake is the BSH Intake, the leak caused by this split wasnt enough to cause the car to log a fault


I'm new to the forum.

I have noticed that I have a similar issue, I experience it on light throttle but on WOT the car seems to drive fine. So did you conclude that it may be caused by a leakage in the Intake system?