Thanks for all the replies. I ended up going with a Kenwood DMX5020DABS, got it fitted by a local 'car audio specialist' yesterday and this is the result, believe it or not it was worse than this at first, stereo was left loose and sat way back in the opening and bottom trim wasn't even attached. So now I'm left with a trim that has gaps and won't go back together properly and two deep scratches which he did with a screwdriver trying to force it in. He had to Dremel some of the the plastic around the opening as the stereo wouldn't fit in?
No way I can live with it like this so I'm going to have to start taking it apart again. Oh and the bit of scratched trim is nearly £50 to replace. He even had the cheek to ask me to leave him a review on Facebook. Oh the reason for the trim not going back together is apparently 'the car isn't designed to take aftermarket stereos so you'll never get it perfect' which is obviously bollocks. In the end I got tired of arguing so looks like I'm just going to have to swallow it.
First world problems etc. but from a so called professional I think it's bad. The top trim just will not click together and the fascia is loose aswell.