I have a manual Nov 2008 MkV GTI, without a MFSW or Cruise Control (CC), both of which I would quite like to add.
From reading other threads it sounds like:

- I cannot just have buttons added to the existing wheel, it has to be replaced
- The MFSW does not have CC buttons on it, it appears that CC is on a stalk instead
What are the buttons on the RHS of the MFSW for then?
If they are all just controls for the stereo, then I probably wouldn’t bother.
Are there any MFSWs from later models that do have CC included that can be easily added to my car?
If not, then I’d probably just look at getting the CC stalk added, would VW supply and fit that, and has anyone had it done and how much did it cost?
I'm based near Upminster, so if there are any places nearby better than VW for the work, that would be good to know too

Thanks in advance.