I think that’s a good price considering the mileage, that sounds to me about the going rate these days. I bought mine 6 months ago and I really wish I paid more attention to all springs.
If they haven’t been changed before, they are probably gonna be cracked or on the verge of. Look if the spring coating is perished and the spring is rusty, stick your phone camera in for an easy look. Or even grab the spring and give it a tug
My back springs went first then immediately after my front ones went too about 3 months after buying.
Test everything on the interior, AC should be nice and chilly promptly after starting perhaps after a minute. Test window washers and optional headlight washers. The driver window mechanism broke on mine while I was viewing it leaving it stuck open. The seller repaired that free of charge. Headliners sag around the sunglasses holder on the roof.
The monza wheels, more so the 17s do a decent job of hiding the brakes so inspect them and see if they need doing, check the condition of the wheels, is the paint peeling? more bargaining power

Make sure you can take it for a test drive, the car should come into boost smoothly after about 2.5k and continue to pull strongly, gears should engage confidently but it’s not the smoothest thing all the time. The clutch should be fine on 56k but definately get a good feel for it and if it’s biting too high. I don’t know a whole lot about dsg except for they require servicing at 40k intervals and get jerky when they don’t.
If you’re REALLY picky, the headlights often yellow over and go coarse but you can sort this yourself for very little money.
I personally am having a problem with algae which keeps coming back but I am tackling it a bit at a time. Not sure if that’s just mine?
The comments above are all good advice. Rust can be a pain on these cars.
I was very nervous researching this car before I bought mine as I had never owned a turbo car before but honestly my 5k miles I’ve done in 6 months have been flawless, really enjoying the car and if you have any more questions don’t be afraid to ask on here