@alleks Yeah I changed my mind

I was all up for it initially until I discovered you need a DSG specific engine ECU (for the kick-down and ignition retard on gearshifts), or a remap/rewire at the very least, which would then mean re-coding for keys/immobiliser and all that BS, which you can only do with VW ODIS or some fudge pants emulator nonsense I don't have.
Baaaaah, I haven't got time for all that. Not trumpet blowing but I'm an NHS key worker and the car has to be 100% available, and 100% reliable so I sacked it off and just stuck a new gearbox and clutch/dmf in

It's a bit of a conundrum really because the easiest option would be to sell the manual and buy a DSG, but what if you end up with a shed and the manual was mint? A mint manual is probably worth the effort converting to DSG, but then again, the cost in doing so could also buy a decent DSG. See where I'm coming from?