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Author Topic: Help needed MFSW Highline retrofit  (Read 964 times)

Offline Patrick2691

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Help needed MFSW Highline retrofit
« on: May 31, 2021, 09:16:14 am »

I've trawled through all the posts and thought I had a good understanding of this all but I've come across a problem.

Fitted a MFSW to my dsg 05 golf. It has the older style buttons. Also fitted Highline clocks. Coded everything and reset all errors and everything's dandy...

Apart from the fact none of buttons on the wheel work, whatever coding I use it won't work. I can still flick through the trip computer with the wiper stalk but holding any of the buttons on the stalkwon't take me to the settings menu either. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

972 clocks
Type 2 slip ring 1K0959653 C
MSFW airbag loom
Steering module 1K0953549 CH
Older style MSFW DSG edition 30 steering wheel

Sent from my CPH2025 using Tapatalk

Offline mjmallia

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Re: Help needed MFSW Highline retrofit
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2021, 07:36:24 am »
There are so many modules out there and remember when I did this to mine.

Not sure of your issues but suspect it is the type version.

I stuck to type 1 which is what my 05 came with as a midline, before converting to highline type 1 on everything....coded up and everything worked perfect straight away

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