Hi Guys,
New member also have an edition 30 gti
Picked this clubsport up in September 20 aand absolutely loving it.
Before the car was even collected I got a Ghost II immobiliser as the car has keyless entry.
First modificaton on the list was to get a stage 1 Revo software. Completely transforms how the car drives.
Over the next few months picked up some parts:
380mm Revo 6 pots
Revo Carbon Series intake
Bilstein B16 colovers and Super Pro negative camber top mounts
Super Pro engine and gearbox mounts
Super pro alloy wishbones
Osram dynamic indicators
Mk7.5 Dynamic rear lights
Completely transforme the handling of the car and helps to out down the gains made with Revo stage 1
The interior needed to be refrehsed as I wanted the car to feel like an upgrade over the 2015 Mk7 R I had sold at the start of the summer. Fitted the following:
MIB 2 dicover media with app connect
Vrirual dash
Clubsport GTI Recaro bucket seats ❤