Oooops should of mentioned i have coilovers, ARBs and a walk i was wondering which one makes the biggest differance and if there are any other parts that would help !
Ive not had any of them fitted yet as i wanted to drive the car a bit more as standard, but the car is booked in in 10 days time to have all this as well as a few others fitted.
Also i would of thought the arbs wouldnt really gain the "grip" in the wet or on uneven Brittish B roads over the standard ARBs,
yes this might reduce understeer, but when the understeer is reduced would this not bring on oversteer ?? your experiances please. !
Im all for fitting the coilies and walk but im a bit wearie of WET grip levels, Uneven road grip levels and substituting understeer for more lift off oversteer with the addition of ARBS, can anyone reasure me that this is not the case ??
Thanks in advance Bryan