General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Forum Ring Stickers?

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i already sell this:

how about a variation on it?

I'll have one of them anyway  :signLOL:

But yeah, what about the flag colours from the centre making up the outline with some text in the centre ?

I'm just trying to think of something... I dont want the mk5golfgti logo on mine as I'm going separate from this forum (i have a forum sticker anyway though ...)  :happy2:

Want it bigger too  :smiley:

What about this...???


--- Quote from: Aparoon on April 25, 2010, 03:34:53 pm ---
But yeah, what about the flag colours from the centre making up the outline with some text in the centre ?

Want it bigger too  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

this one has the three colours and the text could be changed to read whatever?

--- Quote from: pitsirikas on April 25, 2010, 04:16:23 pm ---What about this...???

--- End quote ---

i can do that outline and text but the MK5 GTI part of it would be way to small for a cutter to be able to do, you'd have to get something like printed  :smiley:

the images i'm posting look a little bleached and grainy but thats because theres a clear film over the top for application that peels away, and the white is merely backing paper  :smiley:


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