All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications

rs4 pres?sure reg

(1/4) > >>

whats the pros and cons of this ?

where does it fit and what does it cost ?

i saw on the american forum, that the price range is 70-100USD.
 might solve the dip many have above 5k rpm, i for one has ordered one  :wink:  :love:
System isn't up for the extra pressure???  :confused:


It enables the rail to meet requested in the remap. REVO specifies 132.5bar and the stock system tends to run short of this
The low pressure "in-tank" pump pressure doesn't fall as much as when the OEM valve is used


Need to take off the manifold to fit unless you haz pixie fingers with double jointing.


--- Quote from: Hurdy on March 29, 2010, 02:22:54 pm ---Pro's

It enables the rail to meet requested in the remap. REVO specifies 132.5bar and the stock system tends to run short of this
The low pressure "in-tank" pump pressure doesn't fall as much as when the OEM valve is used


Need to take off the manifold to fit unless you haz pixie fingers with double jointing.

--- End quote ---

so in reality no cons then?  :wink:  :happy2:

My mechanic installed it without taking out the manifold but he has pixie fingers and also had to "improvise" a key to fit there !


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