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Mail order Injector service/testing

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Just got my injectors back from a local company here in Scotland called Bradbury Motors  - they do TFSI injectors.

Their web site says they do mail order service - they told me they get injectors from all over the UK - in numbers ranging from 4 all the way up to the more exotic 10.
They charged £72 for my 4 injectors, they provide a report that shows before and after flow rates, replace O-rings and filter baskets - I actually provided genuine service kits that they kindly fully assembled and are ready to be installed:

I don't know how much the mail order service costs, but they were great to deal with feel it is a good value service

Doesn’t Niki at R-tech offer this too?

I believe they do, but always good to have other options

What did the before and after flow rates look like?


--- Quote from: bobby_fodge on August 20, 2021, 09:20:30 am ---What did the before and after flow rates look like?

--- End quote ---

Sorry Bobby - missed your reply

There wasn't that much improvement, the report contained all sorts of tests results - the below figures are injector number, static flow before (I assume in ml), static flow after and the percentage difference:

1  119  119  0.0%
2  118  119  0.85%
3  118  120  1.69%
4  117  118  0.85%

It was more a case of knowing they are working...but would have liked them all to be flowing the same as No.3!


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