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Author Topic: Speaker Wiring Golf MKV  (Read 2448 times)

Offline Premier50

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Speaker Wiring Golf MKV
« on: October 24, 2021, 12:03:55 pm »
Can anyone help please. I have a MK5 Golf GTI 2005, This is my 4th One. I'm upgrading the head unit and speakers. I have managed to change the rear speakers and they work fine. Its the fronts that have me stomped. There is a Main, Mid and Tweeter in the front door. I'm changing to a main plus tweeter with cross overs. It looks like the car already has some sort of crossover system (Triangle Box) and some wires under the front seats. Can anyone please help!!! Just need to know which wires in the door or anywhere to wire in new speakers

Offline LC5F

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Re: Speaker Wiring Golf MKV
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2021, 06:33:35 pm »
Depends on the existing triple speaker set up, are they OEM or aftermarket - brand?
It seems odd to add an external crossover to OEM speakers ​- suggests aftermarket stuff - picture of the crossover?

Basic audio is tweeter/woofer, the uprated OEM set up added a mid speaker - all the door cards are prepared to accept this additional speaker, a PO could have retrofitted OEM stuff or even uprated the speakers - if they are aftermarket I would consider keeping them.. but depends on what your planning to install.

Offline Premier50

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Re: Speaker Wiring Golf MKV
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2021, 09:25:25 pm »
Thanks for replying. The car currently has the OEM speakers and head unit. It has 3 speakers in the front Woofer, Mid and Tweeter. In the rear there is a woofer and tweeter. In the front doors there is a Triangle shaped unit which i  believe is the OEM crossover unit??
Im fitting a Woofer and tweeter in the fronts with crossover (Kickers) and coaxial speakers in the rear
thanks for helping

Offline JohnnyJungle

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Re: Speaker Wiring Golf MKV
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2021, 08:53:31 am »
Hi Premier50,

I also had a 3 way setup in my MK5 for the fronts. The triangle unit is the crossover, to find the + and - for the front left and right speaker cables going to the head unit I just did a process of elimination for the wires going to the crossover.

I removed the 3 screws to remove the crossover from the door, unplugged the connector then looked at the cable colours for the tweeter, mid and woofer. You will be left with 2 wires. They will be the wires going to the head unit for + and - for the front Left or Right door, depending on which one you are doing.