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Author Topic: Steering, EPS, ABS lights on after a thermostat and alternator swap  (Read 813 times)

Offline latski4

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Good evening.

Golf MK5 2.0 GTI -BWA - Thought Id swap out the thermostat this weekend as the car will not climb to operating temp. Did all that, refitted piping and alternator and thought job done. However, upon start up, the car idles but come to 2K rpm, she bangs back down to idle. I also have Steering ESP and ABS lights on the dash.

First thing, I'm wondering whether there was an earth wire I missed on the alternator, or did some coolant get into the electrics? I took the alternator out again, in search for any missing connections, but only live and the two pin plug could be found..

The map sensor had a bit of coolant splashed on it, so I had this apart, cleaned with contact cleaner and left to dry.

The fact the car was fine before, I feel that something is missing or caught during the work before. Any ideas will be very gratefully receieved!

Control unit: 01 Engine
P1602 - Power supply terminal 30 Voltage too low Lower limit not reached
Priority: 0
Frequency counter: 1
Driving cycle: 255
P0100 - Mass or Volume Air Flow Sensor "A" Circuit No signal/communication
Priority: 0
Frequency counter: 1
Driving cycle: 255
P0321 - Ign./Distributor Eng.Speed Inp.Circ. Range/Performance Implausible signal
Priority: 0
Frequency counter: 1
Driving cycle: 255
Mileage: 217481 km

Control unit: 03 Brakes
01314 - Engine control module (ECM) Please read DTC

Control unit: 44 Steering Assistance
00778 - Steering angle sensor

Offline LC5F

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Re: Steering, EPS, ABS lights on after a thermostat and alternator swap
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2021, 06:48:57 pm »
Its not the nicest of jobs, especially if it repays you like that.
Were there no codes present before starting the work?
Could you have disturbed any other wiring?