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My Slippery Slope to 321 bhp
Well most of you are aware of the mods on my car as they're listed on my sig! Anyway, I thought I'd share a few pics of the car before and after, as well as a description of what I've done.
11th November 08
Decided on getting the Ed30 its first mod in the form of a Revo remap. I had been thinking about a remap for 2 years before I finally decided to take the plunge and spend ££££'s on a bit of software :grin: Contacted JKM in Portsmouth as they had very good reviews on this and other forums and I decided that I would have a Stage 1 Revo remap with the Forge DV. Safe, sensible, well within limits of both the Ed30's and my financial envelope :innocent:
Before I visited JKM, I read up more and more on mods that people had done on their cars on and here. I just wanted to make sure that there weren't any other sensible, good value (read cheap) mods that others had done. A couple stood out from the rest - the ECS Dogbone Insert and WALK - so I added them onto the list. Then I thought, I should have the following:
1. Milltek Hi-Flow Spots Cat and Downflow Pipe with Cat Back System (Resonated)
2. K&N Filter
3. Carbonio Intake
4. ECS Dogbone Mount
5. Neuspeed Engine Torque Arm Insert
You can see where this is headed.... :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
14th November 08
Had the car remapped at JKM where it made 278bhp on Stage One Revo... and boy did it go :drool: :drool: :drool: Told Keith at JKM that I was only looking to get sensible value mods done at the moment and wanted to keep things as they were mostly - that sentiment lasted until I first put my foot down after the remap :signLOL: and then I was truely hooked.
I got used to the power within 2-3 days and started adding other important 'necessary' mods to help the cars handling which the Stage One remap had made inadequate. The list expanded and I kept pm'ing JKM to add various bits and pieces. The final part was a Stage 2 remap - had to get it and Keith told me that although it could run without an aftermarket fuel pump, it was advisable to get one... I though, what the heck, I've already gone so far done the road whats another £730 odd going to make any difference :evilgrin: All I could think of was :driver: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Visit to JKM 20th November 08
The list now expanded to include the following:
Revo Stage 2 (I had Stage 1 put on 14th Nov and then felt the need to move on to Stage 2 on the 20th )
Revo Select Plus Switch
Milltek Hi Flow Sports Cat
Milltek Resonated Cat Back
Eibach ARBs Front and Rear
Bilstein PSS9/B16 Coilovers set at 20mm
APR Fuel Pump
EVOMS Cold Air Intake
Forge DV
Whiteline AntiLift Kit
Neuspeed Torque Arm Insert
I was going to get the Carbonio, but then read about genuine cold air intakes like EVOMS that are much better. Speaking to Keith at JKM confirmed this and I opted for the EVOMS instead.
It was too much work to do for JKM in one day, so I couldn't get it on the rollers but the car felt savage after this latest round of mods. Had an interesting discussion with Keith regarding the Edition 30 engine. He reckons that it is a detuned S3 lump with a few minor differences... but the ETKA part nos for all the important bits are the same. :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
5th December Road Rolled @ JKM
The Ed30 made 321.4bhp on the rollers. Well up from the Stage One 278bhp :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin:
On the rollers:
The output: :evilgrin:
Sometime in mid-December:
Decided to fit the BBS CH 18" custom alloys that I had bought in the summer. Bought Michelin Pilot Sports for the rears, while the front Michelin Pilot Exaltos had 4mm thread left. The car looked stunning and I was very happy with the results so far.
The finished article?
Not quite. Disaster struck when I smashed into a roundabout kerb and badly damaged one of the alloys... I'm taking it to A1 Wheels in Wolverhampton this Friday... to get it sorted. If they can't sort it, then I'll have to wait till the summer to get another one - short on funds :grin: :grin: :grin: I had to put the alloys back to stock - the car currently has Hurdy's old Pescaras on.
6th January
Went back to JKM to sort my tracking out and collect my standard bits and peices - car had been off the road since the roundabout incident. Thought I might as well get the Milltek non-res cat back piece fitted while I was there. :evilgrin: The car not only drives like a beast now, but sounds like one too... though at 3k rpm on the motorway its a bit too boomy for me - maybe the lack of rear parcel shelf and the fact that the rear seats were folded down didn't help :grin: :grin: I found myself driving at 70mph to avoid the higher revs. Still, its not too bad and you only hear it when pushing the pedal. Otherwise it sounds superb. :party:
I've also got another list for the next 3-6 months depending on finances:
1. OSIR CF Engine cover
2. CF Bonnet, Rear Hatch, Wings, Front and Rear Badges, Wing Mirrors and Front Piece.
3. Quaife LSD and DSG Upgrade - from VWR
4. Brakes - from VWR
5. BBS CHs repaired
6. Rear LED lights
7. S3 Intercooler fitted - purchasing from Luca this weekend
8. Stage 2+ and 350+bhp :evilgrin: :evilgrin: :evilgrin: (still not 100% sure on this)
9. Edition Plaque fitted - still not done :ashamed:
10. Evoms engine cover
11. Waxoyl of all the nooks and crannies
12. VF Engine mounts - from VWR
13. Front Strut after consultation VWR
I think thats it for now :sleepy:
now that is what i call addictied to modding nice figures on the RR
Nice write up Illyun :happy2:
You are an all or nothing kind of guy then :grin:
you`ve def got the modding bug mate :driver: cars awesome cant wait to see it in the future with all the other mods
looking very nice mate,
one word of advice
this is the evoms engine cover got it fitted a few weeks ago not quite what it looked like on regals website...
covers the engine so does what it says on the label and the design may help keep engine temps down, but not too hot iMO
anyhow see you at the pod matey :party:
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