Great mods and write up illyun, i would say your on a slippery slope, i'd say you parachuted out of a plane into the modding world !
Unfortunately the parachute got tangled and I hit the ground a lot harder than expected...

Anyways... I'm carrying on with where I left off with the modding plans and while I thought I was running out of mods to do, people like JonnyC have put that silly notion to rest.

Plans for this year are.... in order of application...
1. Sound proofing the floor, boot and doors from Ipswich Car Radio
2. Top Mounts from VWR
3. Polybushes all round from JKM
4. DSG Remap
5. APR Remap or Stage 2+ Revo if things are sorted on that front regarding the fuel pressure sensor.
6. JonnyCs Custom Carbon Fibre Cold Air Intake to replace the EVOMS. I did initially buy the carbon fibre EVOMS kit he has for sale, but then was offered his custom kit instead

7. Brake conversion - should have done this first really but I don't drive too enthusiastically on public roads

8. Twintercooler
Next year
Weight Saving
9. Matching carbon fibre mods - for the bonnet, rear hatch, wings, wing mirrors and maybe doors
10. Braille battery
11. Lightweight alloys