Sorry to hear that Gary. It's close to my heart as well because my cousin took his own life shortly after being diagnosed with it.
I'm glad the world has woken up to mental health as it's very distressing and confusing for people who feel something isn't quite right in themselves, but don't know what it is. The depression spectrum is vast, with a huge range of symptoms. People suffering from a general 'low mood' often write it off as just that, and it will get over it, it's just a phase, but it's always best to seek out professional help if dark thoughts become all encompassing.
All I can say is, do more of the things that make you feel good, try not to worry about things beyond your control and only put chemicals and drugs into your body if absolutely necessary, as they can mess with your head even more if you have a fragile mind. And for the love of god, stay away from social media and mainstream news

Nobody needs that poisonous misery in their lives!
I do have some theories as to why mental suffering is on the rise, and it's mainly surrounding evolution of the human race. Nothing in our daily lives is a life or death situation anymore. We don't have to grow/kill/prepare our own food. We don't have to build our own houses or chop down trees to heat ourselves. We don't have to evade predatory animals, or sword wielding hoards trying to steal our castles. We don't have to worry about capital punishment or harsh penalties for anything other than murder/manslaughter. The biggest thing a lot of us have to worry about now is what to watch on Netflix. I think because of this shift in how we live, the area of our brains that was once occupied with survival, has been replaced with unimportant clutter, which has consequently lead onto a constant need for gratification and sweating the small stuff.
Anyway, that's just my theory and not trying to down play the topic at hand. The biggest concern is mental health seems to a big problem for young folk, with their whole lives ahead of them, getting bogged down in social media and peer approval.
Hmmmm, I do apologise for the Friday deepness......back to cars!