This all suggests it is a failed lambda - but as there is bank 1 sensor 1 & bank 1 sensor 2 how do I pin down what one is fubar?
How come VCDS doesn't provide any breadcrumbs to say what one is misbehaving?
It will tell you if it's B1 S1 or B1 S2 that's gone down

The breadcrumbs are Bank(s) and Sensor number(s).......because......Audi V8s with 2 banks and 4+ sensors.
What you can't know, however, is which cat it's moaning about since B1 S1 is upstream of both cats, and B1 S2 is downstream of both cats. Or if you've bashed the pre-cat out, then the answer is easy. If B1 S1 goes down you'll know about it as it will run like crap.
If the pre-cat is removed, it puts more load on the secondary cat, and if the car is also's just a matter of time.