It was an Audi dealer, I paid deposit on Visa and took Audi Finance. Not sure as to how to push for a better car as I don't want an Audi

they have said I can have a full refund, so not taking the car isn't a problem. I suppose I'm now looking for a serious gesture, ie; big reduction in cost of car, fully detailed, hands free, sat nav, upgraded alloys, new discs, pads, extended warranty. I just don't know at this point.
They know their reputation is on the line, this can easily go in the local press, car mags etc...... I also know the manager of the BMW garage up the road from them

I don't really want to go down the legal route, I hate the blame culture but do accept people have a resposibility of care. As mentioned earlier, I'm awaiting them to respond with an offer, then I'll consider the next step.