Thanks for the replies guys.
The turbo sound isn't something I'm that worried about for now as the turbo is basically new, especially as some people even debate whether it's harmful or not, and the flutter is quite minimal. I'm not going to worry about it for now as the engine is stock, so the boost pressure shouldn't be that high.
If I do get it mapped in the future however, I'll replace the DV with a revision D or G.
27k is definitely overdue a change.
VW use a few suppliers, you would be fine with either Hengst or Mann.
If air filter has been neglected, you may also look into how old the fuel filter is, this also can reduce performance.
Usually it's a straight forward job to replace...not wishing to foreshadow... but if you are unlucky, one of the fuel line clips may jam on and not release.
Fuel filter was replaced at 102k miles, car is now on 119k. VW say 30k mile interval, and I haven't had at fuel related error codes other than a purge evap error one a few months ago, that I cleared and never came back (I replaced the fuel cap and stopped brimming the tank since).
I may look into replacing it over the summer during my annual service though, thanks for the advice

EDIT: Only seen your last message now, I hope so too
@LC5F , I'm still looking for an excuse as to why my friend's 184hp DSG GTD was faster than my Octy