HI All,
so new to the forum.
brought mk5 gti BWA a few weeks ago.
it need the cam chain and tensioner doing which i did.
i also ordered at the same time the bits for the oil pump chain, tensioner etc as ive seen they are pants.
Turns out that although i had no issue, on the way to work i heard a tap tap tap, from the botttom end.
sowing machine like, oil light came on.
being on a busy road, i coasted as far as could.
went to pull away from a set of lights (onto a side road so i could switch it off) , and the noise of death happened.
got the car home. sump off and as i suspected, chain broken and the smaller cog in bits.
problem i'm currently having is that it wont allow me to time to TDC.
would/does the chain failing cause the cams to jump ???
i guess i've likely answered my own question??
if so thats 3k down the drain.

thx Jim.