That's the good thing about VCDS, you can log up to 12 measuring blocks at once, but that isn't enough for the full picture, so I do two runs.
Run 1: For general fuelling and boost health.
Engine speed, MAF, intake air temp, Lambda requested, lambda actual, current fuel pressure (LPFP), fuel rail requested (HPFP), fuel rail actual, Boost pressure requested, boost pressure actual, throttle position.
Run 2: For checking detonation as the engine will be fully up to temp.
Ignition advance, knock regulation (ignition retard) cylinder 1, " cylinder 2, ", cylinder 3, " cylinder 4, engine coolant, VVT angle requested, VVT angle actual.
If you enable 'Turbo', you get instantaneous readings, rather than the slower non-turbo refresh rate, which can help if you feel the requested and actuals are slow to match.
With that you will get an overall picture of what the engine is up to.
I normally just load up the logging, close the laptop lid and go for a 30 min drive. Get home, save the log file to my desktop PC and assess the results over a glass or 5 of wine.
I might also get a cheap windows tablet and use VCDS's gauges for some live monitoring action.