Bit of a thread revival… finally got round to fitting the RCD300 back into my car. First one I purchased off eBay never turned up. Bloke kept saying “yes I’ll post it then never did”… can’t understand ppl like that on eBay… So, got my money back and then bought another one. This time it arrived in good condition but with no radio code.
Got a code from (which worked fine) and then stripped the dash down. Also took the opportunity to fit a Bluetooth dongle into the CD port which works really well with excellent sound quality and very easy pairing.

PO hadn’t butchered the wiring loom although I did get confused by an old iPod aux connection:

Tried to remove it but it was well and truly integrated with the loom, must have been a factory option.
Trickiest bit of the job was putting the dash vent back in without breaking off all the tabs.
Finally, sold the Kenwood radio on eBay (amazing amount of interest) and basically covered my costs in putting the RCD300 and Bluetooth dongle in. Success!