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Author Topic: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness  (Read 15308 times)

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2016, 09:12:18 pm »
So is the general opinion that all of us with uprated clutches now start our cars without the clutch pedal depressed

Offline george_seamons

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2016, 09:27:27 pm »
I can't find much evidence of this issue. If you google actual problems with the TFSI engine you get loads of hits, but this issue isn't talked about. Think about how many engines were made with this part and how many have failed.

What you're doing is scaremongering people with a small outlay of £22 to avoid the exceedingly small and undocumented chance of a large outlay (engine failure due to this "issue").

But if scaremongering works on some people and its okay to have for sale ads the general section, then continue as you were.
It's not exactly scaremongering. I'm just offering a product with a solution to an issue that CAN occur. It won't happen to every single TFSI engine, obviously. However, those people running an uprated clutch do increase the chances of it happening, so anything to counteract engine wear can only be a good thing.

Just because you can't find something on Google, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. I personally know of at least three cases where the uprated clutch was a direct cause of the wear. All of those cars were started with the clutch depressed every time.

I really don't see the issue. You obviously don't want one...that's fine, nobody is forcing you to buy one. I have sold lots though, so clearly people think it warrants the money.

As for selling in the general section, I'm not selling in here, as it quite clearly states.  I have spoken to the admin of the site and they are perfectly happy with it being here.

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2016, 11:52:35 am »
There will always be people that have not heard of the issue.   Its not an issue that is seen that often, or in most cases not noticed yet.

I've seen the thrust washer wear on stock clutched, and uprated clutched cars.  Either cars that you have to press the pedal down to start, or where the owner does it by habit, or being told that its better on the engine/gearbox etc.

I personally don't like having to press the pedal to start the car.  Worse when its on a ramp and opening the door to get in is a pita.

Give George a break.  Its a good mod for those that understand, and he isn't in it to make millions. - - 01234 822324
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Offline unzippy

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2016, 01:06:35 pm »

Give George a break.  Its a good mod for those that understand, and he isn't in it to make millions.

Even if he is, there is no need to slag him off.  Just don't buy it.
Good on him.

Offline r5gtt

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2016, 11:03:14 pm »
+1 ^^^ there's just no need for it.

Offline Flyingscotsman

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2016, 01:35:21 pm »
This has been an interesting thread though. And I've learned something new - as always the Mk5GTI Forum is fount of knowledge  :happy2:

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Re: "Push Clutch To Start" Bypass Harness
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2022, 12:18:02 pm »
Bit of a mega thread resurrection but what am I missing here?  GTIs don't need the clutch down to start the engine..... or do they?  Mine certainly doesn't.

Just stumbled onto this thread on Google whilst trying to figure out what the purpose of the clutch switch is on GTIs, other than for Cruise control?

I've got a bizarre rev limiter type thing kicking in at around 1000rpm when pulling away in 1st gear, which sounds like a deep rumbling noise. Occasionally get an unwanted rev blip at slow speeds without me touching the gas pedal, so I was going to yank the clutch switch to see if it helps.

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