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Author Topic: P0234 with MBC (overboosting condition)  (Read 618 times)

Offline generalen15

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P0234 with MBC (overboosting condition)
« on: July 20, 2022, 05:37:52 pm »
hi, so my gti get these p0234 overboost condition while im using MBC and running it at 1.1bar and i got stage 2 tune with f23t (260hp). but the most weirdly thing is that im getting that p0234 while boosting almost zero or max 0.5 bar. can the f23t spool too fast sometimes to put it in limpmode (p0234)?

- if im driving at 3500-5000 and floor it it can sometimes put me into limp mode (p0234) dosent even reach 0.5bar.

- if i floor it up to around 150-200kmh+ and go back down and start my cruise controller at 100-160kmh and when the car is controlling the speed(flat to very small uphills) it can also put itself into limpmode (p0234) very weird.

-i dont have any problem if i skip does 3500-5000 rpm starts and just floor it from lower rpms and dont go over 120-130 and go back to crusie mode at 100-130 kmh.

* n75 is fearly new (replaced) but im running MBC anyway.
* g31 is fearly new aswell (replaced).