boot struts are fitted, another easy job there. Thanks VW engineers!.
Also had lots of fun with the badge, which turned into its own mini project.
Firstly i had to remove the grill from the car, and then remove the old badge from the grill.
Looking at the old and new side by side theyre exactly the same size:

Unfortunately the method of fitting them to the grill is completely different on the back:

Fortunately the letters themselves are only stuck onto the backing plate with adhesive, so a bit of work with a stanly blade gets them off:

I cleaned up the old base before putting on the new letters:

And usednsome spray adhesive on the back of the letters before clamping them to the base to dry:

Whilst i was waiting for the glue to go off i cleaned up the grill a bit and finally after a lot of clean up on the badge because spray glue is messy, i refitted the badge to the grill:

And thats it, fun little project and a nice change for an hour or so worth of work. I will eventually repaint the entire grill in gloss black and maybe change out the big vw badge as im slowly dechroming as much as i can, but for now im happy.