Really sorry all - I havent been very well, so hadn't managed to reply to anything - Will respond to any PM's and any questions on here now asap!
Am after these 2 switches with with all the clips on the side
Have removed the pic so as to not make the post massive, but have got of these mate, all complete and working and no marks on switch tops etc - drop me a PM and I will send you some pics and sort getting them out to you if you want them
@numero9 :
Rear wiper assy - Definitely have one of these available
Charcoal canister bracket - Let me check on this, but there should be at least one knocking around!
Warning triangle - I dont think either of them have one, and never have had to my knowledge, but then I've never looked! - Are they in with the toolkit and spare on the mk5?
Front GTI badge - They both have subtly different ones - will get some pics
Manual gearbox gator if in good condition - Gaitors are crap on both I am afraid
Air vent tabs - I am sure I should be able to sort some - How many do you need?
The cupholder sliding mechanism tab (or whole assy) - Do you mean the front cupholder? The tambour top bit that slides back and forward?
Rear cupholder - One is definitely knackered, not sure about the other, will take a look for you
front cup holder divider - Have two different types - can get you some pics
As I say, sorry for the delay - Hopefully I am back in action now!
Have managed to actually get some parts out and photographed too - Will get those listed separately.
Mods - I am (hopefully) clearly not a trader - I would really rather not have 2 dead golfs on my drive, but I am also aware I am about to list a load of stuff in one go. Happy to make a contribution to the site if someone wants to drop me a PM with how best to etc?