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Author Topic: Rear subframe options  (Read 4223 times)

Offline Clarkj93

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Re: Rear subframe options
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2022, 04:49:08 pm »
Nice! I don't fancy leaving my car on axle stands for a week while I do mine as its a bit of slopey sketchy driveway so I'm still debating whether to do as you did and get someone with a lift to do it or just get a spare and powder coat is as Pudding said and just swap it out in a day.

My view having seen mine is that I wouldn’t bother unless you need it to come down to get the arms off. It was solid, just the surface rust made it look bad. It will look much better when done but honestly, there are better things to do. Like making sure your bodywork is mint.

My body work is sh*t mate :grin: I just wanted to get it protected for a good number of years while I'm swapping out all the bushes in a few months so seemed like the right time to do it. How many hours labour or how much was the charge for it in the end? May be the deal breaker if I do it myself or not.

I think 6 hours total. Was done at a friends rate. There aren’t rubber bushes to mount the subframe so no benefit to dropping in that sense. I think others like R32 have rubber bushes.

I mean the control arm bushes. While I've got all the arms off and treating them for surface rust seems like an opportunity to do the summer frame at the same time. Maybe just paint over it frankly while it's bolted onand do it properly another time.