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Author Topic: Golf mk5 doesnt start after snow storm  (Read 692 times)

Offline Petrovaas

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Golf mk5 doesnt start after snow storm
« on: December 14, 2022, 09:48:46 pm »
Golf mk5 2005 doesn`t start after a snow storm.

So, a little backstory. There was a snow storm almost 2 days ago, was driving home when it has already snowed quite heavy. Everything was fine, engine was running good. Parked it outside my house and left it there until next morning.

As usual i turned the car on to let it warm up, cleaned it, plowed the snow around it and etc.. Cleared the check engine light because of a bad secondary air pump or something like. Shut if off for 5 minutes because i had to grab some things from home. When i came back, the engine was warm, everything seemed fine. Fired it up, let it work and then after 30 or so seconds it started stalling, rpm`s dropped and it just stalled. Didn`t move an inch, started the car up again, same story happened and after that it doesn`t start.

Figured that it maybe something with fuel system, changed the fuel relay because the fuel pump made a little different sound than usual but it didn`t help (Maybe the fuel pump sound changed back to normal, but i`am not sure if it has ever changed that day). Checked the engine bay, everything looked normal and just left it like that until i find something similar to check. Today i was trying to start it up, thinking maybe the temperature was just to low for it. But with no success, strange thing is that it now shows oil level light and beeps 3 times when trying to start it up, but disappears when i stop trying to start it up. (Edit: oil level is good, forgot to mention that)

Today i tried spraying some stuff into the air filter to just see if it has spark, but sadly the battery died on me. Also thinking that it might be: Fuel pressure regulator, oil level sensor or maybe just moisture in electric components? Or maybe even MAP sensor? Forgot to mention that fuel pump fuse is good and the ampers are correct.

More info about the car: Golf V 1k1 2005. , 1.6l 102hp , engine code: BGU
« Last Edit: December 14, 2022, 10:27:32 pm by Petrovaas »

Offline Petrovaas

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Re: Golf mk5 doesnt start after snow storm
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2022, 10:06:16 am »
1 person says that it might be the ECU, imobilaizer or some sort of sensor. What sensors can prevent it from starting if faulty?

Offline Petrovaas

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Re: Golf mk5 doesnt start after snow storm
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2022, 12:16:01 pm »
Did some diagnostics using Delphi scanner. The fuel pump relay is working, but sadly no response from the fuel pump, so will be changing it and hoping that it starts.