Yup, as I said in my PM, I switched to an automatic car as I now do 20K a year commuting, so that Helix was pretty annoying in heavy traffic tbh. It's smooth though and doesn't judder, so that's a small consolation. The stock clutch just burns itself to bits with remaps though, so no choice unfortunately if you want to tune it.
Yeah the Revo is currently running stock mode. It's stage 1. You will need to get it reflashed to Stage 2+ to get that, but you need downpipes, intakes and all that stuff to support it.
You will need HPFP internals to run the higher performance modes even on Stage 1. I recommend VIS Motorsport as it uses the stock spring, so doesn't chew through tappets. The pump on there now is stock, but it's only a year old, like most of the mechanicals

I would just run it as Stage 1 for now because 2+ doesn't add a lot extra. Personally I would be reluctant running 2+ on a 180Kish engine, but it's your car now

Oh, that oil leak will be the filter housing gasket, which is no easy task unfortunately. I did notice on the last oil change (September) there was a slight weep of oil on the filter cap, and I always clean the whole area with brake cleaner after an oil & filter dump. That was on my to-do list, but sounds like it's got worse.
It's had all the usual pick up pipe, cam chain etc done. Belt is due in 2024.