Hi all,
Good first post.
Over the weekend my battery died, after two trips to get a working battery (first brand new one was also dead) I got the car started and all was good and well.
That evening I went to go out in the car and the yellow steering light appeared along with the ESP light, after a quick google I did the recalibration and the light went off after a short drive.
However on the way back from the shop the yellow light would intermittently come on and the steering would go heavy.
Skip to today and the first proper drive out and after 2-3 minutes I get the red steering light and no power steering. I turned the car off, went to restart and it will not even crank.
Battery is brand new, voltage is all good still, all electrics in the car work.
Could it be as simple as a hard reset for the steering angle sensor through VCDS, although this doesn't explain the car not starting.
I've tried to be as detailed as possible, any help is much appreciated.