Hi everyone
My ED30 is making the diesel sound, gets crap fuel economy (13.4 MPG in heavy traffic / 25 mpg in highway stuff driving it gently), spark plugs look petroled as hell and it generally leaves a pretty heavy petrol smell in my garage (no leaks).
Being my first GTI (only TDI's so far from VWs lineup) I've been pulling my hairs out not knowing wtf was wrong as vcds gave no faults.
The car is stage2 with the previous owner saying it has around 310-320bhp. It has an S3 intercooler, 3" de-catted downpipe, evoms intake, pcv delete, r8 coils, bkr7eix spark plugs and a stage2 tune. I took the car to the dyno and to my shock, and everyone elses who was there, the car only managed to eek out 264bhp.

The torque was fine at 422Nm, so it felt like it pulled good to me. Keep in mind I had a remapped 1.9 tdi bkd 105hp previous to this so I couldn't really compare or know how 310bhp on a mk5 is supposed to feel like. I had a 645ci bmw many years ago with the 333hp v8 and this felt about as fast as the bimmer except at over 180kmh speeds (probably due to the golf being ~300kg lighter).
The dyno guy looked in his vcds at group 91 and found out that my timing was 18 degrees off, showing 10 KW instead of the specified 28KW. So the chain is probably one tooth or less out of allignment. I will have it in the garage on friday to have the chain, solenoid, tensioner and those 3 little orings on the cap I believe replaced and the cams realligned properly, I'm pretty sure they will be looking funny when they take the cover off.
Now on to my question, the mechanic says that in order to replace the chain I should also have the timing belt done with the waterpump and rollers, as he will need to remove the belt in order to reallign the cams. On all videos I saw on youtube, I have no mechanical experience, I didn't see anyone take the timing belt off when doing the chain. Was it because the alignment was good to begin with and they did not have to reallign everything correctly?
If it's really needed (pretty short on cash to have the timing kit done also) can I get away with just getting a new belt and leave the waterpump and rollers for a later date? I know it's a big no no to put on the same belt that he will take off and a belt in itself is not as expensive as the whole kit required.