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Cambelt and Water Pump Cost to Renew

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I think i paid around 400 at aks last time i had mine done.

Had mine done in 2020, was £549. £789 now, and has to be within 15 years old

Only to get more expensive from what I’m seeing these days!

A couple of months ago I had my cambelt, pump and fluids etc.......all genuine parts done by a specialist I have know for years.  It came to £410 all in

When I had it done, I was told the parts had recently over doubled in price and TPS were breaking up some on some engine types a cambelt kit was not a complete cambelt kit like it was historically.  The TFSI was in this instance, but he TDi's seem not to be apparently.

Thanks Everyone...

Just called VW Breeze in Poole, and they confirnmed the £789 Fixed price, and said that was a discounted price from £1061.....

And £190 for an oil and filter change - which didn't sound too bad.

It's a wedge, as Pudding says, on an older car as a proprtion of the value ....... £800 on a £30k car doesn't sound as bad. Same amount of work I suppose, gulp. I only do about 2-3,000 miles  a year, but of course it's the timespan, not the mileage.....


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