Hi all,
Just to pre-face by saying I've run different Millers Octane boosters since buying the car, mostly the one on the right a it seems to be better value for alleged 'Octane NOs'. Buying them from Halfords cost €35 and €17 per bottle respectively, which if one bottle lasts 6 tanks that's pretty good value. I initially used to put just enough to get an estimated +3 octane numbers to 98, as all we get in (the Republic of) Ireland is 95.
The first red flag was the Dyno I did a year ago on a stock engine with a cold air intake (with a heat shield too), which I double dosed the octane booster that in theory should have gotten me 101 octane, but
only resulted in 187hp, something you'd expect from a stock 2.0tfsi on 95. I wanted to be believe that the Dyno was off as I didn't want to accept that the octane booster didn't work. So I kept buying and using the stuff, double dosing always since then.
The second red flag was today, I visited Nisa Extra in Camlough, a neighboring town of Newry in Northern Ireland on the way back from Belfast. It's the only pump in NI that claims to have 99 octane, as everywhere else there only sells 95/97. I double checked with the manager first that it was in fact 99 octane and I paid 15p per litre more for it, filling up 2/3rds of my tank on it.
And by god it made a difference. I was travelling with 3 passengers and it was as if one of the passengers had gotten out of the car, it was that much faster.
Even thought it's not on pure 99, the car now feels like a rocket.
So that begs the question, is this Millers stuff a load of sh*te and I've been ripped off over and over again?