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Author Topic: Central locking and sunroof suddenly not working  (Read 701 times)

Offline Sajid2000

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Central locking and sunroof suddenly not working
« on: February 18, 2023, 11:51:31 am »
Hello there. I am new to this forum and this is my first post. Attached is a picture of my car. I'd like to ask if anyone's had the same issue as me and could help me. Last night as I was leaving work I noticed all of a sudden my key fob wasn't unlocking the car. I don't think the key fob needs new batteries as you can see the red light turning on and off as you click the lock/unlock buttons. I've had to manually get into my car. However after manually unlocking the car I noticed none of the other doors unlocked and I've had to unlock them all from inside. Before this happened I did have an issue with the passenger side door not locking and had to manually lock it each time. This started happening about 2 weeks ago and I didn't think much of it. Once I got inside my car I put the sunroof on the tilt position and noticed that also wasn't responding to any inputs. There's no warning lights on the dash or anything. I've also checked the fuses of both central locking and sunroof and they're still good too. Not sure what could be causing this. Anyone had a similar issue and found a solution?

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Re: Central locking and sunroof suddenly not working
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2023, 01:24:48 pm »
You'll probably have some errors if you scan with vcds/obdeleven etc. Mine does weird things when the battery is just low mind you.

Offline deltawing

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Re: Central locking and sunroof suddenly not working
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2023, 02:39:15 pm »
I had central locking problems on mine, minimal range and in the end no response at all from the key fob.

What fixed it was replacing the CCM (Comfort Control Module) with another used module and recoding it via VCDS. Simple enough to do, just involves taking the code from the existing CCM and reinputting it onto the replacement CCM when fitted.

Offline Sajid2000

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Re: Central locking and sunroof suddenly not working
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2023, 10:49:25 am »
My comfort control module part number is 1k0 959 433 AR and my car is the 5 door door hatchback from 2005. Do I need to get this exact part number for it to work or is there any other compatible part numbers I can get. I'm struggling to find my exact part number.