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Author Topic: Edition 30 Misfires and No power - the plot thickens  (Read 606 times)

Offline Northern_ED30

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Edition 30 Misfires and No power - the plot thickens
« on: June 27, 2023, 06:27:16 pm »
Hi guys,

I lost all power on my Ed30 and had rough idle/missing about a week ago.

Took it in and had the inlet off, apparently the runner flaps had broken and fell into the valve area.

We took injectors out and serviced them, replaced inlet manifold, swapped all coil packs and plugs.

Put it all back together and it hasn’t done a scooby doo.

I’m over 1500 quid down (had a full service, brakes, shocks etc included in this) and when I speak to my “VW Specialist” he says he is stumped at the moment.

I asked him to smoke test it whilst I was there and when we smoked down the turbo inlet where the engine cover joins there was a lot of smoke coming from the turbo area. He assured me this wasn’t the case when he initially smoke tested it but it starting to feel like I’ve made a mistake taking it to this particular place, but got to give them benefit of the doubt.

I asked him to give me the codes and I’ve got P0328 and P0333 knock sensors. As well as P1093. I asked him to plug it in again for me and he cleared the codes before I could have a proper look?!?!? So I don’t know if there’s any more codes!!

He says next port of call is N75, N80 and charcoal canister because he says it smells like fuel in there.

I’ve told him he needs to get under and find out where the leaks coming from the turbo!!!!

What do I do? I can’t go elsewhere because I’m 1500 deep in this guy and he’s agreed to finish the job at no extra cost, I’m having to do this investigative work on his behalf because he is lost.

Apologies for the rant but I’m starting to get really frustrated with this.

Can anyone point me in a better direction than this guy?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2023, 07:34:26 pm by Northern_ED30 »

Offline Northern_ED30

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Re: Edition 30 Misfires and No power - the plot thickens
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2023, 06:50:44 pm »
I cleared all codes yesterday and re-scanned after driving today and G61 Knock sensor has come up again, part ordered, will replace.. Intake mani is coming off again.

Will update.

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Re: Edition 30 Misfires and No power - the plot thickens
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2023, 10:01:01 pm »
If the flaps fell off into the intake valves, it might be worth doing a leak down test  just make sure the intake valves didn't get bent.

They only need a slight bend to lose quite a lot of compression (which would misfire badly), but with no swirl flaps, it will misfire at low rpm (especially on a cold start) anyway.  But as you've replaced the intake with the flaps (I assume) and it's still misfiring, we can outrule that.

A bad knock sensor can also cause a misfire if it's over reading and retarding the ignition too much, needlessly.

A misfire can also occur if the turbo intake is leaking badly as that's extra air the MAF hasn't accounted for.

Fingers crossed it's just the knock sensor. They rarely break, but it's not unheard of.

Have you got VCDS?  Might be worth checking the knock regulation measuring blocks to see how much it's pulling the timing back.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D

Offline Northern_ED30

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Re: Edition 30 Misfires and No power - the plot thickens
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2023, 11:34:46 am »
Apparently a leak down test has been done and was good!

My guy has got vcds so he’s going to check if timings have been pulled back, will keep updating as we get on!