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Author Topic: Smoke from behind heat shield?  (Read 501 times)

Offline AdzK1997

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Smoke from behind heat shield?
« on: August 21, 2023, 02:59:44 pm »
Hi all,

I have a 2005 MK5 GTI DSG and was wondering if anyone could help with an issue I’m having. The car has a stock PCV one now but when I bought the car it had a blanking plate on (with no catch can) almost like it was bodged up so I swapped this for the stock plate. However, the car is remapped and has a stupid pop and bang map on which I am waiting for removal of.

Yesterday morning I had the car serviced from my mechanic and noticed when I took the rocker cover off there was a hole in the rear PCV hose, I replaced this with some pipe (same diameter) and joined it to the metal pipe which heads down to the turbo. The service was completed however when I took the car for a drive later that afternoon I noticed a questionable amount of smoke coming from behind the heat shield area. Wondering if anyone can shed some light as to why it would be smoking if all the pipes are tight now and has a PCV valve on (stock). The car is remapped and feels amazing when driving locally, but is a bobbling feeling when cruising at 3k revs on the motorway (I feel this is because of the pop and bang map releasing fuel into the chamber for it and it not getting enough elsewhere causing the bogging).

I haven’t had it long nor do I want to give up on it yet if it’s a case of a couple of parts. I’m getting the remap taken off as I said before so maybe that will clear up the combustion issue.

Is the stock PCV causing a leak of oil and falling down/around the heat shield causing the smoke? Is there a possibility the turbo seals are bad (or if the turbo is failing)?

Thanks in advance.

Offline AdzK1997

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Re: Smoke from behind heat shield?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2023, 04:57:55 pm »
Thanks everyone  :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: