Hi everyone,
Got an "Electrical Fault in Circuit" error with my front left ABS Sensor.
I'll just give you the bullet points of the problem I've been having:
- ABS warning light has been coming off and on intermittently (mostly on) for the last couple of months (along with traction control and tyre pressure lights). When scanning the fault has always been "Electrical Fault in Circuit".
- I hadn't broken anything that I knew about, but I assumed I may have damaged something when replacing the suspension around this time.
- Replaced the ABS sensor, but that didn't fix it.
- Replaced the ABS connector, but that didn't fix it.
- Replaced the ABS connector again thinking that I may not have spliced the wires correctly, or that the eBay connector wasn't up to the job, but that didn't fix it.
- At some point the ABS warning light became permanent.
- Bought a genuine ABS+brake sensor wiring harness from a breakers. Cut the wiring as close to the where it goes in to the wheel arch as I could and spliced it on (see picture below). The brake pad sensor is still working (so I assume my splicing is okay), but didn't fix the ABS electrical error.
- Whilst I had all the wires cut I tested both sides with a multimeter. Was getting some kind of reading from the front-right connector (which is working fine), but was getting nothing from the wires for the ABS sensor on the front left. So I'm not sure why I went ahead and spliced the wiring harness on... guessing I just hoped something magic would happen.
Anyway, I'm assuming the electrical error must be somewhere further up in the wiring in the engine bay, but seems a bit strange as the brake pad sensor is working fine (which is part of the same harness) so I'm not sure what's going on.
So basically, where should I go from here?
Would it be best to get another genuine VAG wiring harness and try replacing the whole thing? If so, is it tricky to follow the wiring? I'm not sure what it's connecting to inside the engine bay or how tricky it might be to replace it.
Alternatively, is there anything else that could be causing the problem?
Any tips or advice would be appreciated. Feel kinda stuck at the moment.