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Author Topic: Front passenger speaker not working  (Read 1249 times)

Offline Adam ed30

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Front passenger speaker not working
« on: October 22, 2023, 05:48:18 pm »
Hi all, Hopefully someone can steer me in the right direction for resolving an issue with my front passenger speaker not working.

I was aware of this speaker not working when I brought the car so got hold of a second had oem working set thinking it had just killed over.
I’ve just changed out the head unit for another one as it had the original fitted but I need Bluetooth.
While I was at it I pulled out the speaker that wasn’t working and it has sucked the voice coil in so knew it was knackered.
Swapped that out with another and noticed it was popping and sucking the coil back in .
Found a loose connection on the speaker plug as previous owner probably had aftermarket setup so had use connectors to reattach the oem plug.
Sorted the loose connection and still the same problem.
I’m thinking this may be a short / grounding issue that could cause this but was hoping someone may have had this issue that could shed some light on this.

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Re: Front passenger speaker not working
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2023, 08:43:42 pm »
Check the wiring between the pillar and door, pull the boot back and see if any broken wires